Well I did it, I went and got a moustache.....
Damn Scary
Damn Scary

The Moustache Ride was awsome, a lot of people showed up regardless of the rain, good times were had by all. My bike didn't have to good of a time though, during the obstacle course I got flat...did that stop this mustached rider... Know I rode it out, and had to skid at the finish. My rim sustained a little bit of pavement wear, but nothing a file and some other tools from Peacock Groove bikes (http://www.peacockgroove.com/) couldn't fix. At the end of the night I was riding home and needed some food, so I hit my favorite burrito shop. I showed up right at closing (which they have served me before at that time), There was a cop there, I walked in and man he must not of like my moustache, he was a total Chauch to me. I thought there job was to protect and serve, so far they haven't protected me much(Portland Ave. Incident). So I opened mouth a little, then walked away, well the temper got the best of me and I went back and said some stuff I most likely shouldn't have. But I didn't get thrown in the clink.
.......And in other news.......
The Stache Bash was my official Last night of drinking for along time. I am only bringing this up because those of you who know me may be asking why, well it's just time to do it is all. Some of the Critics say......"but what will happen to Luby?" absolutely nothing, I just won't be drinking alcohol, I 'm not going to stop going out with people or drop out of the scene. I will be there just as I always was, just not stumbling so much. So y'all better watch out come next derby....
This wheelies for you......

Luby is a child molester. he has the mustache to prove it. Come to St. cloud Feb10-12. I want to show you the pictures of your *&^($&$ in person.
Why don't you come to Mnpls and show me, and update your you lazy pink bike crossdressor
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