Anyway I sold my old ML8 and am planning on building up a new ML8 over the next couple of weeks , hoping to build it up all nice like, ya know. I have never been one for the "bling factor" but when good companies help a Luby out why not. I also have a new Peacock Groove on the way to build. The frame is something out of the minds of me and Erik Noren...Black Sunshine!!!!! I am hoping to finish that before the ML8 but who knows. All this bike stuff started when a guy came to look at my old ML8, he saw it and liked it....but also was looking for a good dirtbike....I said" well this is for sale" pointing to my '96 XR250 moto, I gave him a pretty good package price and he cut me a check....6 hours later I am looking at a '01 XR400, bigger, faster, Newer....for the same price!!! yep, I have me a big boy bike now. It needs some small stuff like plastics, but man it has some snort!! Between this and my XS750 I have some work to do!!!! the street bike will maybe become a Cafe Racer........well making poarts store runs on my fixie!! don't worry I haven't lost touch with cycling. Check out the below My new XR400 and XS750 (needs alot of work)

The First Person to email me 2 things in the pic above that were made or destroyed during "the Luby In St. Cloud" days will win some cheesy gift

Cool bike. I ride a cr250, can't wait for the snow to melt!
Thing number 1. The "black bitch" your bike made at frame building school.
Thing number 2. That damn Bontrager saddle has to have at least 5000 miles on. I would say that is destroyed?
Do I win? You can give me my price when you are home for the Holidaze.
I ruined the carpet in our apartment using those rollers. Does that count?
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