Monday, June 04, 2007

I South Dakota For A Week!!!!!

It's 6 a.m. and I am waiting For Ariel to pick me up to head out to S.D.

BIKE Mag is doing there Bike week thing were they invite random bike industry people and take thenm riding for a week. I am pretty excited it sounds like a pretty dialed trip with camping and Food from our guides Western Montain Spirits. I am not in the best riding condintion but what the hell, it will be Fun. We will be putting oon 24-30 miles day, and When I told Dale From Oscer Blues, He Sent 6 Cases of Beer with me. mmmmmmmmm DALES PALE ale

1 comment:

Two Wheels at a time said...

Going to my stomping ground. Where are you going riding? I assume the Black Hills. There is some great riding out there. Have fun, buddy.