Friday, January 20, 2006

holy..juicey lucey.....

I had 2 juicey's from matt"s, the bill is on me.... we had a great conversaion on todays politics.......other that that I did the wed. nite, rode last night we set the set the course for snowballs..... watch out, and step up!!!!!!!
me and BG had a great time at the CC club. CHeers to that. I am tired I need sleeep.......

holy shit it's only 12:45........I am going to go ride to burn off some steam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GRRRRRRRRRRR


Two Wheels at a time said...

Luby loves his dad, How Cute!! Just messing with you man.

JMo said...

Luby, you're a mad man!